Artist Statement
I often imagine spaces that are inaccessible and isolated. Environments exploring color and light, formed entirely through abstract forms and shapes and by more elaborated areas, dividing the attention of the spectator. My artwork often incorporates eerie imagery accompanied by human-like elements, such as hands and eyes. I want to reach a sense of hope, exploring more contrasted areas, through the usage of opposites, such as dark and light, complex and simple. Through fantastic and mysterious scenarios, the search for light conveys a key role behind every piece, captivating the essence of my work.
My tools of the trade vary, but most often I use acrylics, oils, charcoal, and pencils. I create from scratch, usually without visual assistance, and rely mostly on my imagination. During the process, I avoid erasing any creative input, preferring to rather utilize the mistake to my advantage and create new concepts on top of it, juxtaposing images and concepts, until everything works as a whole.
Currently I work and live in Cracow, Poland.
PEDRO MÁXIMO (b. 1985)
Born: Guimarães, Portugal
Date of birth: 19/05/1985
Current residence: Cracow, Poland
E.S.A.P. - Oporto’s Artistic School (Guimarães)
Field Arts/Drawing - 2008
Solo Exhibitions selected
2017 - “Práctica (De)Constructiva”, Gallery Sky Art´s, Barcelona, Spain;
2017 - “Between Two Worlds”, Mebloteka Yellow, Łódź, Poland;
2013 - “Conjuração” book release, Ultimatum, Guimarães, Portugal;
2011 - “Pedrada no Charco”, Cor de Tangerina, Guimarães, Portugal;
Collective Exhibitions selected
2024 - “25th of April – 50 Years”, Guntilanis Gallery, Vila Praia de Âncora, Portugal;
2024 - “50 Artists, 50 Artworks, 50 Years of April”, Caminha’s Municipal Museum, Caminha, Portugal;
2023 - “Summer Open – A Virtual Exhibition”, Azgour Art Group, Cracow, Poland;
2019 - “Seriously Surreal”, London, United Kingdom;
2018 - “XI Biennal - Vidigueira’s Art Saloon (Painting and Sculpture)”, Vidigueira, Portugal;
2016 - “Poesia Ilustrada”, Ponte de Lima’s National Library, Portugal;
2009 - “Começo”, ESAP-G Institution, Guimarães, Portugal.
Publications/Released Material/Collaborations
Insolência, Album Cover Art for the album “Nos Limites do Nada”, Portugal, 2024;
Gorgasmico Pornoblastoma, Lyrical content for the album “Delírios de um Defunto”, Portugal, 2016;
Máximo, Pedro, “Conjuraçao”, Corpos Editora, Oporto, Portugal, 2013;
Máximo, Pedro, “Artzine, Ilustracao Acto I” Fanzine, Guimarães, Portugal, 2010;
Máximo, Pedro, “Artzine Ilustração”, Edicon/Terranova Release, São Paulo, Brazil, 2010.
Azgour Art Group - “Build Your Art Practice, Professional Course”, 2024.
Collections selected
Enfermo Distro, Barcelos, Portugal;
BDTeca, Lisbon, Portugal;
Joao Barcellos, São Paulo, Brazil;
Elizabeth Tolman, Los Angeles, United States;
Madalena Macedo, Barcelos, Portugal;
Cor de Tangerina, Guimarães, Portugal;
Paula e Fernando Castro, Guimarães, Portugal;
Marie Santos, Paris, France.
Jornal Corpus - Series III, August 2023, São Paulo, Brazil;
Media Elite - “Who is Pedro Máximo?”, Nov 2017, Pages 3 to 14, Gdańsk, Poland;
AVMag - Issue Nº5, October 2016, Pages 68 to 75, Gdynia, Poland;
Les Amies de Thalie - “References - Catalogue D´ART – 2011”, Pages 69 and 70, Veyrac, France;
Les Amies de Thalie - “Revue Litteraire & Picturale”, Vol. 67, March 2011, Page 70, Veyrac, France;
Noticias de Guimaraes (Newspaper) - 11th Mar 2011, exhibition “Pedrada no Charco”, Guimarães, Portugal;
Agenda Cultura, Feb 2011, Page 8, Guimarães, Portugal;
Xatinho Basto Magazine - Pages 11 and 12, March 2011, Guimarães, Portugal;
Linguagem Viva Magazine - No 255, November 2010, Page 07, São Paulo, Brazil.